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Royalty free image of The gumuskesen Mausoleum by emirkoo
ID: 13876004

The gumuskesen Mausoleum

The Mausoleum lies in the Street of gumuskesen and is well known for being a Roman version of the Halikarnassos Mausoleion, which was recognized as one of the seven wonders of the ancient era. Since the Mausoleum was constructed on the most attractive site in the Roman Necropolis, there was a principle that forced the owner of the building to be an important person for the city. Namely, the owner of this place was expected to be a noble man, a manager or a person recognized as the member of a royal family. This mausoleum, being an exemplary construction thanks to the embellishing stonemasonry and the plan schedule, was constructed in the 2nd century AD, when the Antonins were ruling over Rome. The mausoleum consists of three divisions: (1) the ground floor that serves as a funerary chamber, (2) the second floor that represents the peristillium and the (3) pyramidal top floor. The walls of the ground floor consist of perfectly caved large marble blocks. The coating style of the gate in this construction is based on the same coating technique that was used for the Baltali Gate. The roof of the mausoleum was enriched from one end until the other thanks to relief plants and flowers and geometric motives. People make effort so that the gumuskesen Mausoleum, which represents the Roman Period, takes its place in the “Word Heritage List” that has been prepared by UNESCO.

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