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Royalty free image of Young female antelopes in a Saskatchewan stubble field by pictureguy
ID: 2085559

Young female antelopes in a Saskatchewan stubble field

Pronghorn Antelope (Antilocapra americana) is the only surviving member of the family Antilocapridae. It is the fastest land animal in North America running at speeds of 54 mph or 90 km/h. The pronghorn is not a true antelope, and its horns are made up of a hair-like substance that grows around a bony core; the outer sheath is shed annually. Male pronghorn have horns about 12 in or 300 mm long with a prong. Female horns are usually half that length and do not have a prong. Pronghorn newborns weigh 2-4 kg or 5-9 lb. and are grey in color. Adult male pronghorn weigh 45-60 kg or 100-130 lb. Females weigh 35-45 kg or 75-100 lb. The main color of adults is brown or tan, with a white rump and belly and two white stripes on the throat. A short dark mane grows along the neck, and males also sport a black mask and black patches on the sides of the neck.

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