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Royalty free image of FRANCE - MALI - DEFENCE - ARMY by newzulu
ID: 22007632


FRANCE, Paris : Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita (front L), French President Francois Hollande (Front R), France Prime Minister Manuel Valls (2rd row back R), French Senate President Gerard Larcher (2rd row back C), French Minister for Education Najat Vallaud-Belkacem (3rd row back C) and French Health Minister Marisol Touraine (3rd row back L), attend a solemn and national tribute ceremony at the Hotel des Invalides in Paris, on April 20, 2016 in honour of the three French soldiers killed in service in Mali last week.Three French peacekeeping soldiers died after their armoured car ran over a landmine in Mali, the French presidency said April 13, 2016. One soldier, Mickael Poo-Sing, was killed immediately in the blast on April 12, 2016 and President Francois Hollande learned with great sadness that two more soldiers had died in the west African country, a statement said. The car was leading a convoy of around 60 vehicles travelling to the northern desert town of Tessalit when it hit the mine, according to the French defence ministry. The troops were part of Operation Barkhane, under which France has some 3,500 soldiers deployed across five countries in the Sahel region, south of the Sahara desert, to combat the jihadist insurgency raging there.

  • License: Editorial License.
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