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Royalty free image of Taman, Russia - March 8, 2016: The memorial stele in the form of an airplane taking off, in honor of aviators soldiers, members of the battles for the liberation of the Taman Peninsula from Nazi invaders 1942-1943 g by Madhourse
ID: 22770978

Taman, Russia - March 8, 2016: The memorial stele in the form of an airplane taking off, in honor of aviators soldiers, members of the battles for the liberation of the Taman Peninsula from Nazi invaders 1942-1943 g

Taman, Russia - March 8, 2016: The memorial stele in the form of an airplane taking off, in honor of aviators soldiers, members of the battles for the liberation of the Taman Peninsula from Nazi invaders 1942-1943 g

  • License: Editorial License.


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