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Royalty free image of Rocky Foreshore with White Spray Witch by Siobhan_Fraser
ID: 19717356

Rocky Foreshore with White Spray Witch

In the front of the image we see large pieces of rock, some of which have rounded edges due to the continual erosion of the seawater, but some still have quite distinct edges. These lead on to a semi-horizontal area of rock with clear layering. This slopes down to the water’s edge. Along the shoreline are a series of rocks. Slightly further out to sea is a very interesting sandstone rock which clearly shows horizontal, planar, layering at the bottom, but above is a less defined sandstone rock. On the right hand side of the rock there appears to be a conformity where we see the sudden change of direction of layering. The tide is crashing against this rock sending water and spray upwards. From a distance this could be the upheld arms of the mythical witch. This can be seen from the coastal path from Hopeman to Lossiemouth on the Moray Coast, Grampian, Scotland.

  • License: Royalty Free License.

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