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Royalty free image of "Assumption of the Virgin" fresco by Correggio in the dome of th by dav76
ID: 20080396

"Assumption of the Virgin" fresco by Correggio in the dome of th

Parma,Italy,25 september 2015.Dome of the cathedral of Parma painted by the great Renaissance painter Antonio Allegri, known as "Correggio" between 1524 and 1530.The great fresco has an area of about 650 m2 and is titled "The Assumption of the Virgin" .In the lower part there are figures of angels and Apostles.Above it, there is a dense spiral of clouds that end in a vortex of angels, saints and patriarchs, arranged in several concentric circles. Among these, it is recognizable the Madonna flanked by Adam and Eve and St. Joseph.At the center of the fresco depicts a large yellow light, a symbol of God's presence.Correggio in this painting was able to cancel any effect of real space creating a beautiful illusion, the characters in fact, more that seem painted on the plaster, for an excellent balance appear to hover in the air.The audacious pictorial composition is the culmination of research illusion of the great painter, the invention of the swirling upward momentum is the model that will be inspired by the great Baroque decorations of the following centuries.

  • License: Editorial License.


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