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Royalty free image of BANNER, LONG FORMAT Young man tourist makes a selfie standing at the edge of the crater of the Ijen volcano or Kawah Ijen on the Indonesian language. Famous volcano containing the biggest in the world acid lake and sulfur mining spot at the place where volcanic gasses come from the volcano. He wears a respirator to protect from dangerous volcanic gasses by galitskaya
ID: 46616592

BANNER, LONG FORMAT Young man tourist makes a selfie standing at the edge of the crater of the Ijen volcano or Kawah Ijen on the Indonesian language. Famous volcano containing the biggest in the world acid lake and sulfur mining spot at the place where volcanic gasses come from the volcano. He wears a respirator to protect from dangerous volcanic gasses

BANNER, LONG FORMAT Young man tourist makes a selfie standing at the edge of the crater of the Ijen volcano or Kawah Ijen on the Indonesian language. Famous volcano containing the biggest in the world acid lake and sulfur mining spot at the place where volcanic gasses come from the volcano. He wears a respirator to protect from dangerous volcanic gasses.

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