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Royalty free image of A wide-angle photography capturing a majestic by nkotlyar
ID: 57917926

A wide-angle photography capturing a majestic

A wide-angle photography capturing a majestic ocean wave during sunset. The image is vibrant, with the wave centrally featured, demonstrating the power and beauty of the sea. The crest of the wave is highly detailed, allowing viewers to see the intricate patterns of the water swirling and crashing. The sunset in the background casts a warm golden glow over the scene, with the sun dipping at the horizon, partly obscured by the wave. The sky is a spectacle of orange, yellow, and hints of pink, with clouds scattered artistically across it, reflecting the sun's rays. The sea's surface mirrors the colors of the sky, creating a harmonious interplay between water and light.

  • License: Royalty Free License.

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    YAYIMAGES Licenses Std. Ext.
    Print / Editorial
    Graphic Design
    Web Design
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    Unlimited Runs
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